Tuesday 18 October 2011

Records Still Coming - 8.6%

At 4:20 AM on the 16th of October, we hit a new record in the NEM!

At that time 8.6% of all electricity being consumed came from Wind generation. That's more than 1.5 GW of power from the Wind, about equivalent to 300,000 homes using electricity on a hot afternoon (A/C on) without any carbon emissions.

Realistically, at 4:20 in the morning, it is more like 750,000 homes using power (about 2kW - off-peak storage hot water heating) with no carbon emissions. The families in those homes had some of the cleanest showers in the country on the morning of the 16th!

Saturday 1 October 2011

By Request....

Since Mistervint was made live, people have pretty consistently asked for a couple of things. Namely:
  1. To make "The Trend" graph work on iPad/iPhone
  2. Drilling down by state
Both of these things are now in Mistervint. The graph has been upgraded and now works on any relatively modern browser, on any device. It also looks better and is faster.

Drilling down by state is now as simple as clicking on the state you are interested in on the map at the top of the screen. Every state except WA is clickable (WA is not part of the National Electricity Market). QLD has only one wind farm (Windy Hill) but realtime data for it is not available, so Mistervint will show you all of Eastern Australia until data becomes available, or new QLD wind farms are constructed.

You can zoom back out of the drill down by clicking somewhere outside of the map of Australia, or on the Mistervint banner.

Keep those suggestions coming and we'll keep adding features.